Help Us GO Into All The World!
We Can GO Further With Your Support

60% Goes To The Eternal Friends Network
Meaning the programs, operational costs, expansion, and ministry efforts of the Eternal Friends Network. These efforts include prison ministry, book distribution, production of original content, free air time to ministries, and much more.
20% Goes to Foundations of Faith Missions Int.
(An Auxiliary of MH Outreach)
This is our parent ministry organization that stretches out even further than EFN itself. Providing food, clothing, housing, and education to children in Kenya, preaching the gospel in India, helping the homeless here in the USA, just to name a few.
20% Goes to 4 Select Ministry Partners
Each month we prayerfully select 4 ministries that you see on the Eternal Friends Network to split 20% of all donations received that month to further support their work in the Kingdom of God! Your seed truly does help us GO further!
Give Your Best Donation!

Sponsor A Bible
When you donate to the Eternal Friends Network you are supporting our ministry to local prisons and jails. A portion of your donation helps us to sponsor Bibles and Christian materials to be distributed to those that need it most. At a time where men and women are hungry and thirsty for answers we are able to give them the TRUTH which is the word of God thanks to your support!

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